Indigenous Peoples’ Un-Freedoms 

“Indigenous Peoples’ Un-Freedoms and Our Academic Freedom A Call for Solidarity”

Not usually a petition signer, but in this case there is informative text and urgent reasons….

“We, the undersigned, note with deep concern and urgency the escalating drone attacks by security forces on India’s Indigenous (Adivasi) people, particularly the recent bombings of Adivasi areas in Bastar. These acts not only violate the Indian Constitution but also infringe upon the fundamental rights and dignity of Adivasi communities. As scholars concerned about indigenous communities, we consider it our responsibility to draw attention to these attacks on Adivasi lives and livelihoods, and advocate for justice for the people whose lives are intertwined with our research and scholarship….”

See the rest of the statement here:

And sign the statement here: “Indigenous Peoples’ Un-Freedoms and Our Academic Freedom: A Call for Solidarity” (

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