Immigration Corbyn

How does JC superstar reconcile this week? Is it that he is crafting soundbites for different audiences (or as preparation for conference did he finally read ch 25 of Capital about how the reserve army is used to keep wages down etc?) and do these statements have consequences? Do they ‘impact’ support? Electability? Political credibility?

Please compare the photo quote from the conference speech and this blaming migrants quote from a recent interview:

“The other issue, which is the one that caused the most concern is the undercutting of wages and conditions and the impact of migration on some communities. So the migrant impact, trying to deal with that, but also the question of the undercutting of wages, bringing people in on lower than local wages, destroying local conditions. So for example, in Lincolnshire there is a average wage rate that is considerably lower than the rest of the country, and that applies in other place.”


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